Little Big Girl/Quotes
Bart Simpson: You know, I thought Darcy and I would be like a real married couple, instead we ended up fighting all the time... Homer Simpson: Eee, yeaa how about that?
Homer Simpson: Son, one day you're gonna be a great father. Bart Simpson: Awww, and someday you will be one too.
Grampa: Yes sir, we Simpsons have never married or even shook hands with anyone remotely interesting. In a world of 31 flavors, we are the water they use to clean the scoop. Grampa out.
Lisa Simpson: [thinking] Oh, no. By speaking with forked tongue, I am in heap big trouble. Oh, no! Now I'm thinking in stereotypes!
Bart Simpson: That's it! I want a license. Mayor Quimby: To kill? Bart Simpson: No, to drive. Mayor Quimby: Suit yourself.
Darcy: I love you. Bart Simpson: That is such a girl thing to say.
Utah Minister: And how many brides shall you be marrying? Bart Simpson: Just one. Utah Minister: What are you, gay?
Darcy: You really are ten, I just thought you were really stupid. Bart Simpson: I'm ten AND stupid!
Bart Simpson: [Darcy is screaming at Bart to get her some strawberries] Take my wife... hey, I finally get that joke!