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Unsure on Liverpool
The caption goes out of its way to be somewhere in England which seems like a country manor house not particularly near any well-known city or town. The letter is addressed to Liverpool, but it's been in storage for decades and also forwarded to his estate. Even back when the letter and painting were first posted he didn't still live in Liverpool and at that time the episode was produced his country manor house was in the Home Counties (I think Berkshire or Surrey) which fits with the establishing shot, not Liverpool. Also the estate is modeled on Castle Howard in Yorkshire which he never lived in, but was used for the Wiltshire-set miniseries Brideshead Revisited which was very popular when it first broadcasted in the United States. Snowball II (talk)
- A bigger give away as Castle Howard is bigger dome on left side of the shot and the smaller one on the right side. Images A or Image B Snowball II (talk) 17:40, October 18, 2024 (EDT)
- I can't find the image, but the leters appears as "Liverpool, England" Krloz to (talk) 18:45, October 18, 2024 (EDT)