Simpsons World the Ultimate Episode Guide: Seasons 1-20/Credits
THE SIMPSONS™, created by Matt Groening, is the copyrighted and trademarked property of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
Used with permission. All rights reserved.
SIMPSONS WORLD The Ultimate Episode Guide (Seasons 1-20)
Copyright © 2010 by Bongo Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in China. No part of
this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers, 77-85 Fulham Palace Road,
Hammersmith, London, W6 8JB.
First Edition
10 11 12 13 14 15 RRD 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Concepts, Art and Design
Serban Cristescu, Bill Morrison, Mili Smythe
Production Manager
Managing Editor
Ray Richmond, Scott M. Gimple, Jesse L. McCann, Christine Seghers, James W. Bates
Art Director
Operations Manager
Contributing Artists
Mike Rote, Jason Ho, Phil Ortiz, Shaun Cashman, Kevin M. Newman, Tim Bavington, Dexter Reed, Steve Steere, Jr.
Jeremy Robinson, Joey Nilges, Robert Stanley, Mike DeCarlo, Istvan Majoros, Julius Preite, Luis Escobar
Production Team
Nathan Hamill, Karen Bates, Ruth Waytz, Art Villanueva, Max Davison
Legal Guardian
Harper Collins Editors
Special Thanks
N. Vyolet Diaz, Deanna MacLellan, Ursula Wendel, Pete Benson, Sherri Smith, Chip Dornell, Shelly Kale, Marilyn Frandsen,
Binh Phan, Doug Whaley, Megan Walsh, Al Jean, Mike Scully, Antonia Coffman, Bonita Pietila, Denise Sirkot, Gracie Films,
Laurie Biernacki, "The Simpsons" Design Department, Deanna Asato, Matt Battle, Liz Hernandez, Derek Higgs, Helio Savatierra,
Film Roman, and everyone who has contributed to "The Simpsons" over the last twenty-three years.