This is the main page about the song in "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken"
Adults! Kids! Adults! Kids! Adults! Kid's! You've had your fun now we've had our fill! Yeah! You're only here cause Marge forgot her pill! Hmmmmm... Kid's! Your all just scandalizing, fandalising punks! Channel hoppin', rivin' poppin' monkeys! But please don't quit the fan club. Kids! I can nag and nag 'till my hair turns blue! Kids! You've bumbed my smokes and don't say thank you! Why can't you be like we are? Oh what a bunch of brats! We oughta drown you just like cats!! (meow) Adults, you run our lives like you're Colonel Clink! Adults! You strut around like your farts don't stink! Adults, your such a drooling, snoring, boozing, boring bunch! Surley mennie, Three-martini lunchers! I just ate a thumb tack. Adults, there always telling us to-- SHUT YOUR TRAPS!!! Eh, were fed up with all you whipersnaps. Were trying to get some sleep here, it's almost six fifteen-- WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH-- DON'T YOU TREAT US LIKE-- CAN'T YOU JUST LET OFF-- WERE SICK OF ALL OF YOU KIDDDDSSS!!!! TOOOOOOODDDAAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!