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Dr. Tad Winslow is a character in It Never Ends, formerly played by another actor before Moe Szyslak took over the role.
Moe sought the role of Dr. Tad Winslow when he was younger, but was rejected as he was too ugly. Years later, when Moe got plastic surgery to make him handsome, he went to get revenge on Helen Morehouse for rejecting him. When Moe arrived, Morehouse was arguing with Tad Winslow's actor because he wanted a pay rise. After seeing Moe's new face, Morehouse made Moe the new Tad Winslow, firing his original actor.
Moe took to the role and quickly became a hit with the ladies. One day, future plotlines were delivered to Moe and he signed for them. After reading through the plotlines, Moe found out that Tad Winslow was to be killed off. After finding this out, Moe plotted with Homer to reveal all the future plotlines from the show. After this happened, Moe was fired from his role and he and Homer were thrown off the set.
In one episode, Tad Winslow was in bed with Cleo. Tad told Cleo that their relationship could never work because he was a doctor and she was a 5,000 year old mummy who he brought back to life. Cleo then told Tad that she loved him and wanted to burn all the cities on Earth with him. Tad then told Cleo that their relationship was against hospital regulations and Clive Dancer was waiting for him to slip up...
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