The Social Fretwork
Comic Information
The Social Fretwork is a Simpsons Comics story that appears in Simpsons Comics #190.
"How d'you say "taco" in Mexican?"
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Bart has done a cool skateboard jump with his skateboard and
Milhouse have filmed it and want to have Bart's password to
FacePlace so he can upload it but Bart tell him at he must send the file to him for no one get his password. The next day is Bart popular at the school buses after all students have seen his skateboard jumps on FacePlace, meanwhile have
Sideshow Bob gained access to a computer with Internet in the prison, and the first thing he does is try to crack the password to Bart's FacePlace account. At the school, Bart throws a pie in his
principal's face and he published a video of it on FacePlace, a bit later when he try to sign in for read the comments about the clip, he will not enter, it says that he has the wrong password. Next morning is Bart hated by almost everyone in the school bus, including Milhouse, the only ones who seem to not hate him is the nerd. Milhouse tell to Bart why he hates him and the other students in the school bus do the same thing and the nered tell why they like him. The reason turns out to be post he did on FacePlace. When the school students finds out that Bart have not written the post they tell him that someone hacked his account. Bart does not understand how anyone could his password, Lisa then tells Bart about the metaphoren that monkeys can write Shakespeare. That made Bart let
Mr. Teeny trying to figure out what the new password is, but he fail. Bart logs then into FacePlace by using Milhouse's account and find that "he" put up a mean picture of Marge, that made Bart get angry and Bart start to talk with the schools nerds to find out if they can find who hacked his account.
They do it if he want be their friend. Bart promises that he is their friend they figured out who did that. They manage to find out that the person is Sideshow Bob on Springfield State Prison, but they have not found out Bart's new password yet. They tell Bart at they have managed to enter the prison monitoring system so they can see when he enters the password, but Sideshow Bob's big hair is often hide the keyboard. Martin comes with an idea, he asks Bart if he can give him $20 and some scented stationery. Martin writes then two love letters to the prison's female guard from Sideshow Bob and the two come into the computer room to date him at the same time making the other jealous. Sideshow Bob thrown out by the girls to the prison yard, where he begins to hunting by the other guards. This is filmed by the surveillance cameras that the nerds have access to and along with Bart they make a funny movie with Sideshow Bob and publish it on FacePlace this let Sideshow Bob give up his FacePlacerape. Bart is happy everything is back to normal except for one thing the nerds want to continue be his friends but he refuses, so the nerds decide to hack Barts FacePlace and confesses his love for nerds. Bart sees what the nerds have done with His FacePlace and he realizes that he can handle Sideshow Bob, but not the nerds.