Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/September 10th
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
[20:12] <Doh5678> Meeting to order anyways [20:12] <Phinbart> New template design. [20:12] <Cook879> Mobile users are the problem... [20:12] <Doh5678> Everyone like ie? [20:12] <Phinbart> I like it, but it would cause problems with mobile users.... [20:12] <Doh5678> *it [20:13] <Doh5678> How do we get round this? [20:13] <Cook879> Also where would they go on the page? Only just thought of that [20:13] <Doh5678> Top left [20:13] <Phinbart> Maybe it could be different on mobiles.....there could be a caption of the image instead of hovering. [20:13] <Phinbart> BRB [20:14] <Doh5678> But how? [20:14] <Cook879> we'd have to see them in action i think [20:14] <Cook879> that would go back to the whole "mobile app" problem from yesterday [20:14] <Doh5678> trial run maybe [20:14] <Phinbart> Problem? [20:14] <Cook879> if so, select pages only [20:14] <Cook879> you'd probably have to update both seperatly [20:14] <Cook879> wikipedia has an app right? How do they work? [20:15] <Phinbart> Doh, good idea to ask Jake to come to the meeting, he hasn't been.... [20:15] <Phinbart> Someone could create an app for Wikisimpsons!] [20:15] <AleWi> Wapedia is not owned by Wikipedia [20:15] <Doh5678> They have loads of people/ massive server [20:15] <Cook879> i think an app is really too much for us to implement [20:16] <Doh5678> We don't have loads of people/ massive server [20:16] <Phinbart> Where's cjc, FatHomer and the other users that are usually here? [20:16] <Cook879> cjc is in his bedroom, Fathomer no idea [20:16] <Doh5678> That Phinbart is a mystery of life [20:17] <Phinbart> Maybe a Simpsons app, where you can go to different Simpsons sites from links.... [20:17] <Doh5678> Can't you shout to him to go online [20:17] <Phinbart> Is your brother going to come to the meeting, Cook? [20:17] <Cook879> we'd need to find partners for that app, and someone to make it - lots of work [20:18] <Cook879> he said he's busy at the moment [20:18] <Doh5678> And also which phone we're going to do it on? [20:19] <AleWi> I can not do this [20:19] <Doh5678> I can't either [20:19] <Cook879> another problem [20:19] <Cook879> this is never going to work [20:19] <Cook879> so i say topic two [20:19] <Doh5678> Discussion about projects [20:19] <Phinbart> Discussion about projects [20:20] <Phinbart> You got it before me, Doh! [20:20] <Cook879> brb [20:20] * cjc (~chatzilla@cpc1-slou2-2-0-cust202.haye.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:20] <Doh5678> Hi cjc [20:20] <AleWi> hi cjc [20:20] <AleWi> Right now is probably only Project Re-Watch Active [20:20] <Phinbart> Hi cjc! [20:20] <Doh5678> When projects should be active/inactive [20:21] <cjc> hi [20:21] <cjc> inactive when nothing is happening related to them.... [20:21] <Doh5678> So when should projects should be active/inactive [20:21] <Phinbart> Dunno really. [20:21] <AleWi> If no task is currently taking place there [20:22] <Doh5678> More importantly which ones [20:22] <Phinbart> Nearly all the projects have no tasks. [20:22] <Phinbart> Advertising projects more [20:22] <Doh5678> Characters in season [20:23] <AleWi> Comics from the collection editions? [20:23] <Phinbart> Project Episodes should be semi-active in the summer, when there's hardly any news on new eps. [20:23] <Doh5678> locations, Guest Stars ...... [20:24] <Phinbart> Guest Stars should stay active in the summer..... [20:24] <Phinbart> Locations semi-active.... [20:24] <Cook879> back [20:24] <Phinbart> ? [20:24] <Phinbart> So how should we advertise projects more....? [20:24] <Doh5678> Active all the time: Merchandise, Images, Crew [20:24] <Cook879> I think projects are a hard sell [20:24] <Doh5678> & Games [20:25] <Doh5678> BRB [20:25] <Phinbart> Well, is there any news of a new Simpsons video game coming out.....? [20:25] <Cook879> I do what i feel like doing, instead of going by what projects say [20:25] <Cook879> not that i've heard [20:25] <Phinbart> No....so Games should be semi-active....until a new game comes out or is announced. [20:25] <AleWi> No new game I have read about [20:25] <Cook879> but we have a big backlog [20:26] * Nick97 (4495f152@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikisimpsons [20:26] <AleWi> Hi Nick97 [20:26] <Phinbart> Well, I've spent the afternoon looking through Hit & Run walkthroughs for articles to create. [20:26] <Phinbart> Hi Nick97! [20:26] <Nick97> Hi, everybody [20:26] <Cook879> hey Nick97 [20:27] <Doh5678> Hi <s>Dr</s> Nick97 [20:27] <AleWi> Many older games do not have many information [20:27] <Phinbart> So, I think Hit & Run articles are off the list.... [20:28] <Doh5678> Wikipedia has some Good Articles on old Simpsons games [20:28] <Phinbart> New topic? [20:28] <Phinbart> Project Merchandise & User:Phinbart/List of The Simpsons merchandise [20:28] <Doh5678> Everyone like it? [20:28] <Phinbart> So, what does everyone think about Project Merchandise? [20:28] <AleWi> I like it [20:29] <Phinbart> About User:Phinbart/List of The Simpsons merchandise, it really needs help.... [20:29] <Phinbart> By the way, if anyone's using ChatZilla, :P, will be a smilie. [20:29] <Doh5678> It will perpetually be incomplete [20:30] <Cook879> It's a hard list - it really needs to be split and in main space - then it will become more appealling to edit [20:30] <AleWi> I like at the covers is showing [20:31] <Phinbart> That's the only section I've put into a table. [20:31] <Doh5678> Yeah that's good [20:31] <AleWi> Maybe is should be on http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Simpsons_Comics too [20:31] <Phinbart> By the way, I've got the Meltdown reprint book....just waiting for Royale to arrive... [20:32] <Cook879> please can i have a link to your list Phinbart [20:32] <AleWi> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/User:Phinbart/List_of_The_Simpsons_merchandise [20:32] <Phinbart> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/User:Phinbart/List_of_The_Simpsons_merchandise [20:32] <Doh5678> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/User:Phinbart/List_of_The_Simpsons_merchandise [20:32] <Cook879> thanks [20:32] <AleWi> I recently ordered Simpson Annual 2012, Bart Simpson Annual 2012 and the new Treehouse of Horror-comic books [20:33] <Doh5678> Good, can you write article on em' when you get 'em [20:33] <Phinbart> My local Smyths superstore has lots of annuals, last year it had the Simpsons annual, so I'll be able to get the 2012 annuals from there. [20:34] <Phinbart> New topic? [20:34] <Phinbart> A merchandise wiki? [20:34] <Cook879> Phinbart - off topic but you do now Hit & Run is non-canon right? [20:34] <Cook879> *know [20:34] <Doh5678> It could be a good idea [20:35] <Cook879> on topic - Supergeeky is willing to help if we do go ahead [20:35] <Doh5678> Simpsons question on Secret Fortune [20:35] <Phinbart> Yes, sorry, I forgot to add the non-canon template. [20:35] <Cook879> :P [20:35] <AleWi> A bit unnecessary we should have collected all at the same [20:35] <Phinbart> Supergeeky1 has Simpsons band-aids.