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Kang and Kodos
Is this the first THOH episode Kang and Kodos haven't appeared in? The Solar Dragon 05:08, October 21, 2014 (EDT)
- I think so. Maybe it has something to do with "The Man Who Came To Be Dinner". --Fred (Talk • Contribs.) 02:23, October 23, 2014 (EDT)
- I think that the voice who "introduces" the episode (in the intro sequence where Rigel VII can be seen) it's a kang-or-kodos voice. And I think that they don't appear in one of the recent THOH. / Loco87 (

/ Contribs) 10:36, October 23, 2014 (EDT)
- Actually, if I'm not wrong that is Kang's voice that introduces the opening sequence with The Johnny Carson Tonight Show theme playing in the background, before both Kang and Kodos do their evil distinct laughs. --Fred (Talk • Contribs.) 06:34, October 24, 2014 (EDT)