Template:Forumheader/Wiki talk Character articles...They need to talk about what the character does in episodes. The lack of this and the apparent lack of willing to add this to articles is one of the reasons sgtcook quit. The fact is too improve we need to improve the articles. Do you find star wars articles just mentioning their personality of a brief summary of thier life? So what if some major characters would need more articles to fully explain all, fact is we need to up our game to become a high-standard wiki that Simpsons fans will want to read daily to find out about their favourite characters role in the show and what they did to help one of Homers schemes or how they played a major role in an episode. Kingcjc 14:52, June 26, 2010 (UTC)
- With the main characters, we shouldn't do that. The articles would become too massive to control really. With one time characters, it is fine as they appear once. Basically, what you are saying is that instead of having the episode information on the episode pages, add that to the character articles, duplicating it and making a massive mess. There is no need to document every little thing they do. That is pointless. The article would become too long and no one will read it as it is too long. The Solar Dragon 18:39, June 26, 2010 (UTC)