Lisa's Lifelong List of Things to Do
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Lisa's Lifelong List of Things to Do is a list with things Lisa will do in her life in The Lisa Book.
- Be unappreciated in my own country, but beloved in France.
- Ride my bike clear across the Great Wall of China.
- Address a joint session of Congress.
- Have my own really cool, hip bachelorette apartment in Capital City.
- Win an Academy Award for Best Screenplay Based on Actual, Breathtaking Events in My Own Incredibly Fascinating Real Life.
- Teach my dad to walk upright.
- Perform the worlds' first Manx cat tail implant surgery.
- Invent a meatless hamburger that tastes as darn good as a Krusty Burger.
- Find a cure for the uncommon cold.
- Execute a pure glissando from second octave A upwards that causes people to weep at the sheer beauty of its sound.
- Slip the surly bonds of Earth and touch the face of God.
- Learn to ropes.
- Get the hang of things.
- See the big picture.
- Rap what i sow.
- Learn how to program av VCR before they become obsolete.
- Take up some really vile habit so that I might muster the true grit to give it up cold turkey.
- Read every book in the Springfield Public Library.
- Commit T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" to memory.
- Figure out what makes Bart Bart.
- Visualize word peace.
- Open the first veterinarian clinic on Mars.
- Have several torrid love affairs and die young, or maybe live to a ripe and feisty old age. (I haven't decided.)
- Climb Mount Everest, but slowly... slowly.
- Master the fine art of causal conversation.
- Learn the intricate dance steps of the Polonaise.
- Save the whales.
- Learn to dance the Hucklebuck.
- Play a sax solo at the Playboy Jazz Festival while protesting the fact that I'm there.