The Simpsons: Tapped Out Whacking Day 2013 content update
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The seventeenth content update was released on April 10, 2013 and is the long awaited Whacking Day update. It will not end on May 2, 2013 as originally thought, but a week later on May 9, 2013.
This is the first update to offer prizes, and the second requiring the player to tap on a non-playable character to kill them - the first was zombies during the Halloween Update in 2012.
The update comes with a new splash screen and a new icon. The update now allows players to watch every cutscene from the game in a special "Cutscene" section of the build menu; the cutscenes are "Kaboom", "Home Alone", "Treehouse" and "True Love".
The update for Google Play came with Origin, enabling Android players to add friends and visit their towns.
This update also added a new maximum building and decoration count to the game. If the player has too many buildings and decorations a notice will appear: "Too Many Buildings", then the description "Building overload! You currently have [number of buildings and decorations] buildings and decorations in your Springfield. To ensure stability, the game now has a maximum building and decoration count of 3000. You need to store or sell some things if you want to build more."
The update introduced the ability to store characters in the player's inventory, as well as a long wished for confirmation button to prevent the accidental use of donuts.
The update also added new phrases for many of the game's characters, as well as a new sound for the Gilded Truffle.
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Upon installing the update:
- Homer: What's your problem?
- Lisa: It's Whacking Day.
- Homer: Woohoooo! The greatest day of the year!
- Lisa: But Dad, killing snakes is evil.
- Homer: You know what snakes are, right? Slimy, slithery guys? Always up to no good? Deserve a good, solid whacking?
- Lisa: Just try to whack quietly, please, so I can get some work done.
The player receives "Whacking Day Pt. 1", which is to "Make Lisa do Next Week's Homework" and to "Send Homer on a Snake Hunt!". Lisa's task rewards the player with 600 and
150 when completed on its own; Homer's task also rewards the player with
600 and
150 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
100 and
- Ned: I know the whole town loves Whacking Day, but, Homer, snakes are God's creatures.
- Homer: Really? What about that one who was a total jerk to Adam and that girl he was seeing?
- Ned: I guess if any animal does belong to the devil, it is the serpent.
- Homer: See, stupid Flanders, it's what Jebus would want.
A sound of a snake hissing then sounds and the "Whacking Guide" opens up, which allows all the Whacking Day features in-game to be unlocked.
Then the player receives two tasks in their taskbook, one of them being "Whacking Day Pt. 2", which is to "Whack [50] Snakes". To whack snakes, the player must tap on the snake icon in the corner of their screen. Whacking snakes will give the player either 1 or 1 Snake Egg. Upon whacking
50 and completing "Whacking Day Pt. 2", the player receives
100 and
After tapping on Apu's exclamation mark:
- Apu: Welcome to your official whacking day headquarters. I've hidden a snake somewhere in the store. The first one to whack it gets a free SQUISHEE.
Then the player receives "Whacking Day Pt. 3", which is to "Make Apu Hold a Whacking Day Promotion". The task takes 24 hours and rewards the player with 10 Snakes and 150 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After tapping on Apu's exclamation mark:
- Apu: Hey! Hey! Oh, I should have put more thought into my promotion. It will take me hours to clean up this mess.
Then the player receives "Whacking Day Pt. 4", which is to "Make Apu do a Kwik-E-Mart 8hr Shift". The task takes 8 hours and rewards the player with 275 and
70 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark:
- Homer: Grab a stick, Flanders, and get whacking!
- Ned: Oh I couldn't. Killing defenseless animals is wrong.
- Homer: Just pretend you're Ehud, and the snakes are Eglon, king of Moab.
- Ned: I don't know where you got such an obscure Biblical reference, but it works for me! Let's kill some snakes!
Then the player receives "Whacking Day Pt. 5", which is to "Make Ned Send Snakes back to Hell". The task takes 24 hours and rewards the player with 10 and
150 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After this:
- Cletus: Dang! I clean forgot about Whacking Day. Where'm I gonna get a stick at this hour?
- Homer: If you need a weapon, what about that shotgun in your back pocket?
- Cletus: Doesn't seem very sporting...
- Homer: Oh, Cletus. Whacking Day is just like any other beloved tradition: the point is to murder as many snakes as possible. By any means necessary.
- Cletus: Well said, fat man.
Then the player receives "Whacking Day Pt. 6", which requires the player to "Reach Level 6 and Build Cletus's Farm" and to "Make Cletus Shoot Snakes". The task takes 12 hours and rewards the player with 5 and
100 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark:
- Lisa: That's it! I can no longer sit by as our un-limbed brothers and sisters are whacked into non-existence for no other crime than being different!
- Homer: They also committed the crime of being slimy. And the crime of scaring Indiana Jones.
- Lisa: Those aren't crimes!
Then the player receives "Whacking Day Pt. 7", which is to "Send Lisa to Release Snakes from Another Town". The task takes 5 hours and rewards the player with 3 and
50. Once the task is set, the player's town list pops up - with only those towns that have taken part in the Whacking Day update appearing. Underneath the player's name is the amount of snakes they have whacked. The player must select a town for Lisa to release snakes from. Whichever town you pick's whacked snake count will reduce, and yours will increase. After the player selects a town, Lisa goes to the Simpson House to start her task. Note: Other Springfield has a non-changing whacked snake count of 20.
Prize gameplay
- For more information on the prizes, click here.
After the Whacking Day features are unlocked in game, two tasks appear in the player's taskbook. One of them is "Be Sensible when Whacking", which is to "Collected [150] Whacked Snakes". Collecting 150 unlocks Fort Sensible, the first prize. To get the building immediately, the player must pay
15. To whack snakes, the player must tap on the snake icon in the corner of their screen. Whacking snakes will give the player either
1 or 1 Snake Egg.
Upon collecting whacked 150 snakes, the player unlocks Fort Sensible, which takes 24 hours to build. The player then receives "008: License to Whack", which is to "Collected [400] Whacked Snakes". The prize for collecting whacked
400 is the "Expert Whacking License". After unlocking the Expert Whacking License, a notice appears saying "You are now licensed to whack 5 snakes in each friend's Springfield every day so if you're a hermit, start making friends!".
Then the player receives "Little Girl in the Big Ten Pt. 1", which is to "Collected [1000] Whacked Snakes". The prize for collecting whacked 1,000 is Gymnastic Lisa, Lisa's first outfit, and a Balance Beam.
- Ninja Homer - unlocked with Ninja Homer Practice Snake
- Lugash - unlocked with Lugash's Gym
- Lumpy -
Characters unlocked with whacking prizes
- Gymnastic Lisa - unlocked with balance beam and costume for Lisa
- Pet Snake
- Bare Chested Willy - costume for Willy
- Drederick Tatum - unlocked with Springfield Coliseum
- Miss Springfield - unlocked with Sleep Easy Motel
- Lugash's Gym -
- Fort Sensible - prize, unlocked after collecting whacked
- Duff Stadium - prize, unlocked after collecting whacked
- Springfield Coliseum - prize, unlocked after collecting whacked
- Sleep-Easy Motel - prize, unlocked after collecting whacked
12,500 Snakes
- Basket of Snake Eggs -
- Snake Speakers -
- Ninja Homer Practice Snake -
120 - unlocks Ninja Homer
- Green Practice Snake -
- Purple Practice Snake -
- Red Practice Snake -
- Yellow Practice Snake -
- Snake Rocks -
40 / prize, unlocked after collecting whacked
2,000 - task "Hatching Snakes" - 10 snakes every 4 hours
- Snake Stump -
55 - task "Hatching Snakes" - 20 snakes every 4 hours
- Hollow Snake Trunk -
75 - 30 snakes every 4 hours
- Whacking Day Banner -
- Whacking T-Shirt Stall -
- Whacking Mugs Stalls -
- Whacking Stick Stall -
- Wind Sock -
Ninja Homer Practice Snake
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After unlocking Ninja Homer and tapping on his exclamation mark:
- Lisa: Dad? Everyone loves Whacking Day but I hate it. Is there something wrong with me?
- Ninja Homer: Yes honey.
- Lisa: Then what should I do?
- Ninja Homer: Just squeeze your rage into a bitter little ball and release it at an appropriate time. Like that day I hit the referee with a whiskey bottle. Remember that?
- Lisa: Yeah...
Then the player receives "Wing Chun for Dummies", which is to "Place Practice Snake" and to "Make Ninja Homer Fake-Whack Pretend Snakes". Homer's task takes 60 minutes and rewards the player with 1 Snake and 26 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After tapping on Ninja Homer's exclamation mark, if the player only has the Ninja Homer Practice Snake:
- Ninja Homer: I'm tired of hitting the same practice snake. Someone needs to buy me more!
The player receives the quest again and the player must buy and place another practice snake to send Homer on the quest. Upon completing the quest, the player receives 25 and
After tapping on Ninja Homer's exclamation mark:
- Ninja Homer: I'm tired of whacking just snakes. It's time for bigger game!
Then the player receives "Getting Carried Away Pt. 1", which is to "Make Ninja Homer Smash Up Flanders House". The task takes 4 hours and rewards the player with 4 and
70 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After tapping on Ninja Homer's exclamation mark:
- Ned: Glass on the front lawn. It looks like someone vandalized my house! Did you see anything, Homer?
- Ninja Homer: Ummm... no... Although I did see some snakes loitering outside your house. I think they were in a snake gang.
- Ned: Looks like these snakes are getting too big for their boots. It's time to take action.
- Ninja Homer: Yay! I'll rally the troops.
Then the player receives "Getting Carried Away Pt. 2", which is to "Make Ninja Homer Steer the Mob in Wise Directions". The task takes 8 hours and rewards the player with 8 and
105 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After tapping on Ninja Homer's exclamation mark:
- Ninja Homer: All fake snakes fake fear the power of the ninja!
Then the player receives "I Am Bruce Lee And Snakes Are My Chuck Norris", which is to "Make Ninja Homer Twirl Whacking Stick". The task takes 12 hours and rewards the player with 10 and
150 when completed on its own. Upon completing the quest, the player receives
25 and
After tapping on Ninja Homer's exclamation mark:
- Ninja Homer:
- Oh Whacking Day!
- Oh Whacking Day!
- Our hallowed snake
- skull-cracking day!
- We'll break their backs!
- Gouge out their eyes!
- Their evil hearts we'll pulverize!
- Oh Whacking Day!
- Oh Whacking Day!
- May God bestow his grace on
- thee...
- *sobbing* I love this time of year.
Then the player receives "Oh Whacking Day", which is to "Make Ninja Homer Polish Stick for Whacking". The task takes 24 hours and rewards the player with 15 and
225 when completed on its own.
Unlike during previous seasonal events, the unlocking of a prize doesn't require the player to actually spend their snake currency. Prizes are unlocked by just having the required amount of snakes in your account. Missing snakes can be replaced by spending donuts, at a rate of 5 donuts for each 50 snakes missing.
- Fort Sensible -
150 or
15 - takes 24 hours to build
- Expert Whacking License -
400 or
- Gymnastic Lisa Costume and Balance Beam –
1,000 or
- Snake Rocks –
- Jebediah Springfield and Snake Statue –
- Duff Stadium –
- Pet Snake –
- Bare-Chested Willie Costume –
- Springfield Coliseum and Tatum –
- Sleep-Eazy Motel and Miss Springfield –
- Whacking Day Box 1 –
- Whacking Day Box 2 –
- Whacking Day Box 3 –
- Whacking Day Box 4 –
- Whacking Day Box 5 –
- Whacking Day Box 6 –
- Whacking Day Box 7 –
- Whacking Day Box 8 –
- Whacking Day Box 9 –
- Whacking Day Box 10 –
Whacking Licenses
The Expert Whacking License, a prize, is unlocked after the player collects whacked 400 and completes "008: License to Whack". It allows the player to whack 5 snakes in a friend's town each day.
The Elite Whacking License, which is not a prize, is available for purchase after the player completes "008: License to Whack". It costs 50 and allows the player to whack 10 snakes in a friend's town each day.
Below are the whack-able snakes that appear in a player's town:
New notices that appear during the event, and notices that were introduced during the event.