Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/October 15th
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
[20:00] <Phinbart> Meeting to order! [20:00] <Phinbart> The counter's going up. [20:00] <@Cook879> :P [20:00] <+AleWi> The time is plus now 45. 46, 47 [20:00] <Phinbart> main page redesign [20:00] <@Solar_Dragon> I think my dinner's almost ready [20:00] <+supergeeky1> It's trolling us. [20:00] <+supergeeky1> Who's leading this meeting? [20:00] <@Cook879> just ate mine [20:01] <Phinbart> Solar? Are you? [20:01] <@Cook879> Though in 10 mins or so i'll have to do a brb [20:01] <@Solar_Dragon> I'm having dinner in a minute so I can't! [20:01] <@Solar_Dragon> Someone needs to make a log of the meeting too [20:01] <Phinbart> Cook an can lead, then... [20:01] <Phinbart> I am! [20:02] <Phinbart> an can :) [20:02] <+supergeeky1> Same. I've logged everything from the past four years. [20:02] <@Solar_Dragon> Okay, firstly, anyone with eBay, buy mah stuff! http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/solardragon2010/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686 >:( [20:02] <Phinbart> Didn't know you had an eBay account. [20:02] * Cook879 note to self - remove soloar's link :P [20:03] <Phinbart> No Simpsons! [20:03] <@Solar_Dragon> XD [20:03] <@Solar_Dragon> No Simpsons stuff, no [20:03] <@Solar_Dragon> Doctor Who and Top Trumps atm :P [20:03] <Phinbart> Why no Simpsons stuff? [20:03] <Phinbart> Ahem...main page redesign! [20:03] <@Solar_Dragon> Because I don't have any Simpsons stuff I want to sell :P [20:04] <@Cook879> Anyway mainpage redisgn - someone design - we vote - simples [20:04] <@Solar_Dragon> I was thinking of the tabber extension but apparently it's dangerous XD [20:05] <Phinbart> Dangerous? [20:05] <@Solar_Dragon> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Tabber [20:05] <@Solar_Dragon> Security risk :P [20:05] <Phinbart> Right. [20:06] <+AleWi> I think we didn't use that [20:06] <@Solar_Dragon> I want to use it though :P [20:06] <@Solar_Dragon> I'm sure we'll be fine using it [20:06] <+Doh5678> There's a fix [20:06] <@Solar_Dragon> Exactly [20:07] <Phinbart> If any accounts get hijacked, I'm blaming it on you! :P [20:07] <+supergeeky1> Honestly, unless I'm missing something, I wouldn't bother with the tabber extension. It's just as easy to make it with CSS and wiki code. [20:08] <@Solar_Dragon> Really? [20:08] <@Solar_Dragon> Anyway, I got to go and eat now [20:08] <@Solar_Dragon> Bai! [20:08] <+supergeeky1> Yeah, AFAIK. Darthipedia uses something similar for a few paes. [20:08] <+supergeeky1> *pages [20:08] <+supergeeky1> http://darthipedia.com/wiki/Darthipedia:Featured_Sithspawn [20:08] == Solar_Dragon has changed nick to SD|FOOD [20:08] <@Cook879> Is anyone thinking of making a design? [20:09] <+supergeeky1> It's a bit primitive compared to tabber, but it can be worked on. [20:09] <Phinbart> Not me. I'm not that good with making main pages. [20:09] <+supergeeky1> As for a main page design, I was planning on developing one myself in the coming weeks. [20:09] <Phinbart> Though for the merch.wiki. [20:10] <+supergeeky1> Right. I'll probably work on a main page design for Merchandise Wiki first. Then develop it further for Wikisimpsons. [20:10] <+supergeeky1> Right. I'll probably work on a main page design for Merchandise Wiki first. Then develop it further for Wikisimpsons. [20:10] <@Cook879> Cool [20:10] <+supergeeky1> But again, it won't be for a few weeks. I have a large workload ahead of me that needs to be completed by November. [20:10] <Phinbart> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Wikisimpsons:Editor_meetings/October_15th [20:11] <+supergeeky1> o.0 [20:11] <+supergeeky1> Is the meeting over, or did you just get ahead of yourself? [20:11] <+AleWi> The meeting is not over [20:11] <@Cook879> We do it every 15 mins or so [20:12] <Phinbart> Next topic: Moving pages over to the merchandise wiki. [20:12] <+supergeeky1> Ah. Alrighty then. [20:12] <@Cook879> brb [20:12] == Cook879 has changed nick to Cook879|BRB [20:12] <+AleWi> I have move one article today [20:12] <+AleWi> The comics is hardest to do [20:13] <+supergeeky1> Are all of Merch's articles copied from Wikisimpsons, or are some of them original? [20:13] <+AleWi> Some is copied and some orginal [20:13] <Phinbart> Some are original. [20:13] <+supergeeky1> Mmm. [20:14] <+AleWi> They do not have a lot of visitors [20:14] <+Doh5678> True [20:14] <+AleWi> Starting to think the wiki was a little bad idea [20:15] <+Doh5678> Why? [20:15] <+supergeeky1> Uh... considering the wiki was created only several weeks ago, that's way too soon to decide. [20:16] <+AleWi> They are hard to find what you want [20:16] <+supergeeky1> The Wikisimpsons community isn't that large in itself, so I wouldn't have any high expectations for Merchandise for another year or so. [20:16] <Phinbart> I was gonna say interpret the merch. wiki into the main wiki before the merch. wiki was created, but now...it's created... [20:16] <@Cook879|BRB> back [20:16] == Cook879|BRB has changed nick to Cook879 [20:17] <+Doh5678> So if the wiki's a failure, what do we do [20:17] <+Doh5678> ? [20:17] <@Cook879> I agree with supergeeky1 its too early to deem the wiki as a failure or not [20:17] <Phinbart> Next topic: Main page at Merchandise wiki [20:17] <+Doh5678> IF [20:17] <@Cook879> I was typing that before you posted Doh5678 [20:17] <@Cook879> Why move on - we're still chatting [20:18] <+supergeeky1> I do have to agree with AleWi on his last point, though. It's incredibly hard to sift through pages. [20:18] <@Cook879> Also AleWi - I know what you mean about red links for comics - nothing really we can do about that [20:18] <+AleWi> Many people who seeking information are not there [20:19] <+AleWi> They can not find what they are looking after [20:19] <@Cook879> The wiki does lack structure - we need templates, lists and categories made as well as articles themselves [20:19] <+Doh5678> http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Template:Fakelink [20:20] <+Doh5678> That's sort of a way around the red link [20:20] <@Cook879> How? [20:20] <+AleWi> How? [20:20] <@Cook879> We want red links to appear [20:20] <+Doh5678> The link is blue even though it's ment to be red [20:21] <+Doh5678> just reverse it [20:21] <+Doh5678> And make it an actual link [20:21] <+supergeeky1> I don't get what that would be used for. [20:21] <+supergeeky1> Are we talking about linking to merchandise wiki, or something else? [20:22] <@Cook879> from Merch to main [20:22] <+supergeeky1> Ah. [20:22] <@Cook879> We have many comic stories that have no page so Comics are linking to non-existent pages and are not red links [20:22] == supergeeky1 has changed nick to SG1|Clitoris [20:23] <Phinbart> OH! [20:23] <+AleWi> If it was a namespace, it worked [20:23] == supergeeky1 [~sg1@c-71-200-165-110.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #wikisimpsons [20:23] <Phinbart> ? [20:24] <+AleWi> Hi supergeeky1 [20:24] <+AleWi> supergeeky1 has changed nick to SG1|Clitoris?? [20:24] <supergeeky1> Hi. Sorry. I switched over to my Mac so that I can type more easily. [20:24] <Phinbart> Next topic: Seymour Skinner continuity [20:24] <+AleWi> Who is supergeeky1? [20:24] <@Cook879> 2 other options - Ignore it or make short stubs [20:24] <@Cook879> wait Phinbart [20:24] <@Cook879> Didn't you say Merch main page was next? [20:24] <+Doh5678> No next topic is: Main page at Merchandise wiki [20:24] <supergeeky1> Yeah, Phinbart keeps skipping topics. [20:25] <+AleWi> Main page at Merchandise wiki is next [20:25] <@Cook879> It isn't a race Phinbart :P [20:25] <@Cook879> AleWi - how easy would it be to create stubs for all the comic stories we need? [20:25] <+Doh5678> brb twoillet [20:26] <+AleWi> It goes without the plot [20:26] <Phinbart> TwoilleT? [20:27] <+Doh5678> Fake french [20:27] <@Cook879> Yeah - just a basic 1 line summary [20:27] <+AleWi> It us possible without the plot [20:27] <+AleWi> *is [20:28] <@Cook879> That's a theasible option - I'll help if you want - Just move the page and i'll do any pages left over [20:28] <+Doh5678> Or just redirect [20:28] <@Cook879> So redirect back to the page they just came from? [20:28] <+Doh5678> To the english [20:29] <@Cook879> But that's the thing - we need to create the pages on English first :P [20:29] <+AleWi> It is not easy [20:30] <@Cook879> I don't mean anything big - a template, the sentence about where its from then a 1-2 line summary, like "Bart gets in trouble for pulling a prank" that kinda thing [20:31] <@Cook879> We solve the problem and get more pages that will gain searches - even if they are stubs