Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/September 24th
[20:10] <Phinbart> First topic: Anniversary + awards results; Award results in order: Rollback, Newbie, Best moment, Worst moment, Lifetime achievement, Admin, User. [20:10] <Doh5678> meeting called to order [20:10] <AleWi> Should we start the meeting? [20:10] <Phinbart> We have a full house tonight! [20:10] <Phinbart> 8 people! [20:10] <Doh5678> Anniversary [20:10] <@Solar_Dragon> Might as well start. PM me the rest. This makes me laugh :P [20:10] <AleWi> Congratulations [20:10] <Doh5678> 6th Birthday! [20:11] * @Solar_Dragon sings happy birthday to Wikisimpsons [20:11] <AleWi> We have 9,607 articles [20:11] * @Solar_Dragon lets of party poppers [20:11] * @Solar_Dragon eats the cake he got for Wikisimpsons [20:11] <@Solar_Dragon> *off [20:11] <Doh5678> Greedy [20:11] <Phinbart> "Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday Wikisimpsons! Happy Birthday to You!" [20:11] <Doh5678> We are older than Twitter! [20:11] <Cook879> You know i might have some cake later :P [20:11] <@Solar_Dragon> If you would like a bit of cake, send an SAE to the following address: :P [20:12] <@Solar_Dragon> 123 Fake Street, Springfield, Springfield's state, America [20:12] * Cook879 pulls out an envelope [20:12] <AleWi> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/123_Fake_Street [20:12] <@Solar_Dragon> Cook879, is it a blue envelope? :P [20:13] <Cook879> :L [20:13] <Cook879> Next week looks packed [20:13] <Cook879> anyway a bit off topic [20:13] <@Solar_Dragon> Anyway Doh5678, the results: [20:13] <Doh5678> Award results startng with: Rollback of the year [20:14] <Nick97> *Drumroll [20:14] <Doh5678> In joint 3rd place is: Will k, AleWi, FatHomer! [20:14] <UnknownFork> i know will k [20:14] <Phinbart> 2nd? 1st? [20:14] <@Solar_Dragon> So do I :P [20:15] <Phinbart> We ALL do. [20:15] <Doh5678> Joint 2nd place: Mythigator & Doh5678! [20:15] <@Solar_Dragon> Yes UnknownFork, Will also edit CPW. i know [20:15] <Phinbart> Oooh! [20:15] <Cook879> CPW? [20:15] <Doh5678> And 1st place.... [20:15] <@Solar_Dragon> Club Penguin Wiki [20:15] <Cook879> ahh, sorry Doh5678 [20:15] <Phinbart> Club Penguin Wiki's in first, Solar? :P [20:15] <Cook879> go ahead [20:15] <@Solar_Dragon> Yes Phinbart :P [20:15] <Doh5678> drumroll please [20:15] <Nick97> louder drumroll [20:15] * @Solar_Dragon refuses the drumroll [20:16] * @Solar_Dragon makes a hole in Nick97's drum [20:16] <Doh5678> is Phinbart! [20:16] <@Solar_Dragon> :O [20:16] <Phinbart> I'm Rollback of the Year? [20:16] <@Solar_Dragon> I mean, *applauds* [20:16] <Doh5678> Yes [20:16] <AleWi> Congratulations Phinbart [20:16] * Cook879 faints in shock [20:16] <Phinbart> I've been a rollback for only like, a month! [20:16] <Cook879> congrats :) [20:16] <Nick97> wah, my drum! And good job Phinbart! [20:17] <Phinbart> Is there an award image? Like there is for Admin of the Year? [20:17] <@Solar_Dragon> But he's only been a rollback for a couple of weeks... :P [20:17] <AleWi> Have you a speech Phinbart? [20:17] <Doh5678> No [20:17] <Phinbart> No... [20:17] <Cook879> SPEECH [20:17] * @Solar_Dragon doesn't have to make a speech at all. Yay. [20:17] <Phinbart> Newbie? [20:17] <Doh5678> Next award then: [20:18] <Doh5678> Newbie of the Year [20:18] <@Solar_Dragon> Noob of the year! [20:18] <Doh5678> 3rd place is: DaRanger [20:18] <Doh5678> ! [20:18] <Doh5678> 2nd place is... [20:19] <Doh5678> Knife! [20:19] <Doh5678> And first place... [20:19] <Nick97> Trumpet...Roll? [20:19] <Phinbart> Are they even around anymore? [20:19] * @Solar_Dragon bends Nick97's trumpet [20:19] <@Solar_Dragon> DaRanger is [20:19] <Phinbart> *Drumroll* [20:19] <@Solar_Dragon> He edited today [20:19] * Cook879 does a violin-roll [20:19] * supergeeky1 (~sg1@c-71-200-165-110.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:19] <Phinbart> Hi, supergeeky1! [20:19] <AleWi> hi supergeeky1 [20:19] * Doh5678 gets Nick97 a new drum [20:20] <Cook879> hello mr geeky [20:20] <@Solar_Dragon> :( [20:20] <Phinbart> Just in time for the results of newbie of the year! [20:20] <Doh5678> Hi sg [20:20] <supergeeky1> Haiii everybody. [20:20] <Nick97> Thankyou! and hello Supergeeky [20:20] <Phinbart> I won Rollback of the Year. [20:20] <@Solar_Dragon> Yay! supergeeky1! [20:20] <supergeeky1> STOP PINGING ME. It burns. =( [20:20] <@Solar_Dragon> XD [20:20] <@Solar_Dragon> Okay supergeeky1 [20:20] <@Solar_Dragon> I'll stop pinging you supergeeky1 [20:20] <Cook879> i haven't pinged you yet supergeeky1 [20:20] <Phinbart> 10 people! (including ChanServ) [20:20] <@Solar_Dragon> XD [20:20] <supergeeky1> Noooo. [20:20] <Doh5678> 1st is.... Nick97! [20:20] <Cook879> anyway go ahead Doh5678 [20:20] <AleWi> Congratulations Nick97 [20:21] <Phinbart> Well done Nick97! [20:21] <@Solar_Dragon> I guessed so :) [20:21] <Cook879> Knew it - yay Nick97 [20:21] <Nick97> Thank you! [20:21] <Doh5678> Next award: Best moment [20:21] <Doh5678> *Worst moment [20:22] <Cook879> nominees? [20:22] <Nick97> *Drumroll [20:22] <Doh5678> The winner is... Shoutwiki outage! [20:22] <Cook879> Yay shoutwiki outage - kinda [20:22] <Phinbart> For Best Moment? That's the third award! [20:22] <Phinbart> Not Worst Moment! [20:23] <Doh5678> Swapped them around [20:23] <Phinbart> Award results in order: Rollback, Newbie, Best moment, Worst moment, Lifetime achievement, Admin, User. [20:23] <Phinbart> Grrr... [20:23] <@Solar_Dragon> UnknownFork, stop leaving and rejoining #shoutwiki [20:23] <@Solar_Dragon> It's annoying :P [20:23] <UnknownFork> no [20:23] <Doh5678> Now for the Best moment.... [20:23] <@Solar_Dragon> It was me making edits, right? :P [20:23] <@Solar_Dragon> That was the best moment! [20:23] <Nick97> Drumroooooll! [20:24] <@Solar_Dragon> Because I am THAT amazing [20:24] * @Solar_Dragon kicks a hole through Nick97's drum [20:24] <Cook879> *Oboe roll [20:24] * @Solar_Dragon places a musical instrument ban [20:24] <Nick97> (h)oboeroll [20:24] <Cook879> *triangle roll [20:24] * @Solar_Dragon spontaneously combusts out of anger [20:24] <Doh5678> The winner is: Independence! [20:24] <UnknownFork> Is there a futurama wiki? [20:25] <Phinbart> Yay! Yes. [20:25] <Phinbart> theinfosphere.org [20:25] <UnknownFork> o ic [20:25] <Phinbart> Now Lifetime Achievement! [20:25] <@Solar_Dragon> Yes, infosphere.org, it's one of our affiliates [20:25] <Nick97> Hooray for independance! [20:25] <Cook879> Yeah [20:25] * @Solar_Dragon is independent [20:25] <Phinbart> [20:25] Phinbart Now Lifetime Achievement [20:26] <UnknownFork> Does it have Monaco? [20:26] * Phinbart shrugs [20:26] <@Solar_Dragon> Don't think so UnknownFork, no [20:26] <Doh5678> Now Lifetime Achievement award: This is for the users who have made the greatest contributions to Wikisimpsons [20:26] <Phinbart> Not me! [20:26] <UnknownFork> or me [20:26] <@Solar_Dragon> Well, I wonder who this is [20:26] * @Solar_Dragon starts to get up to make his speech ready [20:26] <@Solar_Dragon> :P [20:26] <Cook879> obviously it will be Doh5678 - he rigged it :P [20:26] <@Solar_Dragon> XD [20:27] <Doh5678> The Winners are: Solar_Dragon, Cook879 and Brian McClure! [20:27] <AleWi> Congratulations all [20:27] <@Solar_Dragon> Wait, Brian McClure?! [20:27] <Nick97> *Applause [20:27] <Cook879> Yay! [20:27] <Phinbart> Well done! [20:27] <@Solar_Dragon> Well, I would normally thank my mum, dad, brothers, family etc. But they've done jack shit to help me with Wikisimpsons [20:27] <Cook879> lol [20:27] <@Solar_Dragon> So, I will just thank myself! [20:27] <Nick97> :P [20:27] <@Solar_Dragon> Go me! ^_^ [20:27] <Cook879> well cjc has :P [20:28] <Cook879> in fact i should get him to come online [20:28] <Phinbart> Yeah! [20:28] <Phinbart> Then it'll be 11 users! [20:28] <@Solar_Dragon> Now Doh5678, where's mah trophy? *trollface* [20:28] <Phinbart> including ChanServ! [20:28] <Phinbart> I know who's winning Admin of the Year! [20:28] <Doh5678> Next award is the first of the 2 big ones: User of the year [20:28] <@Solar_Dragon> Same :( [20:29] <Nick97> Your trophy is the feeling of accomplishment [20:29] <Cook879> he's busy at the moment (he obviously doesn't like us) [20:29] <Cook879> same :P [20:29] <Phinbart> You've swapped them again! [20:29] <@Solar_Dragon> Nick97! That's the biggest jip ever! [20:29] <Phinbart> >:( [20:29] <Cook879> jip? [20:29] <Phinbart> 9_9 [20:30] <Doh5678> 3rd place is... [20:30] <Nick97> :P [20:30] <Nick97> *Drumroll [20:30] <Doh5678> AleWi! [20:30] <Phinbart> 2nd? [20:30] <Doh5678> 2nd place.... [20:31] <Nick97> *Even longer and louder drumroll [20:31] <Doh5678> is Mythigator! [20:31] <@Solar_Dragon> :O [20:31] <Phinbart> 1st? [20:31] <@Solar_Dragon> Ah 9_9 [20:31] <Doh5678> 1st place..... [20:31] <Cook879> i can guess [20:32] <Nick97> Wiat for it... [20:32] <@Solar_Dragon> ME! [20:32] <@Solar_Dragon> :P [20:32] <Cook879> no :P [20:32] <@Solar_Dragon> :'( [20:32] <Cook879> you weren't even on the poll [20:32] <Doh5678> is Jake! [20:32] * @Solar_Dragon goes to grab his suicide knife [20:32] <Phinbart> 0rd? [20:32] <Cook879> Knew it! [20:32] <AleWi> Congratulations Jake! [20:33] <Nick97> Congrats! [20:33] <Phinbart> I asked Jake to come! [20:33] <@Solar_Dragon> I knew it too :P [20:33] <AleWi> Jake is not here today, the first winner how not is here [20:33] <AleWi> who [20:33] <Cook879> Brain McClure isn't here [20:33] <Doh5678> Now for our last and least award. :P [20:33] <Nick97> Mythigator isn't here. [20:33] <Phinbart> Admin of the Year? [20:34] <AleWi> singel prices [20:34] <Phinbart> 3rd? 2nd? 1st? 0rd? [20:34] <Nick97> -1st? [20:34] <Cook879> 0rd is even one else [20:34] <AleWi> single [20:34] <Cook879> *every [20:34] <Doh5678> Kidding. Joint 3rd is... [20:35] <UnknownFork> i dont like the custom vector skin on fw [20:35] <Doh5678> Smiley12 & The Underfaker! [20:36] * Solar_Dragon sets mode: +o Cook879 [20:36] <Doh5678> 2nd place is: [20:36] * Solar_Dragon sets mode: +v AleWi [20:36] * Solar_Dragon sets mode: +v FatHomer [20:36] * Solar_Dragon sets mode: +v Doh5678 [20:37] * Solar_Dragon sets mode: +v Phinbart [20:37] <+Doh5678> Solar_Dragon! [20:37] * @Solar_Dragon goes to sulk in a corner about only coming second :P [20:37] <+Phinbart> Yay! Me have voice! [20:37] <+Phinbart> I know who wins! [20:37] <+Doh5678> 1st is.... [20:37] <+Phinbart> Who wants to know? [20:37] * @Solar_Dragon takes out his suicide knife and plunges it into his heart [20:38] <+Doh5678> Cook879! [20:38] <+Phinbart> Cook879! [20:38] <+Phinbart> D'oh! [20:38] <+AleWi> Congratulations Cook879 [20:38] <+Phinbart> Well done! [20:38] * Mythigator (322fb26a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikisimpsons [20:38] <@Solar_Dragon> Biggest. Shock. Ever! XD [20:38] <+AleWi> Hi Mythigator [20:38] <Nick97> Congrats Cook879! [20:38] <UnknownFork> hi [20:38] <+Doh5678> Hi Mythigator [20:38] <@Cook879> Yay - thanks! (not that its a suprise seeming I saw the image hours ago) [20:38] <Mythigator> Hi guys [20:38] <+AleWi> Congratulations all winners [20:38] <Nick97> Hi [20:38] * @Solar_Dragon sulks in the corner with the knife still in his chest [20:38] <+Phinbart> Hi Mythigator! [20:39] <@Cook879> hey Mythigator [20:39] * cjc (~chatzilla@cpc1-slou2-2-0-cust202.haye.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:39] <+Phinbart> You won 2nd place in User of the Year, Mythigator! [20:39] <+Phinbart> Hi, cjc! [20:39] <+AleWi> Hi cjc [20:39] <UnknownFork> hi [20:39] <+FatHomer> Hi! [20:39] <+Phinbart> Woah 13 users! (including ChanServ) [20:39] <Mythigator> Well, tyvm! :-) [20:39] <Nick97> Hello! [20:39] <+Phinbart> This has got to be the BIGGEST turn out EVER on IRC!!!!!! [20:39] <Mythigator> Sorry I've been so spotty about getting to the IRC chats though [20:39] <+Doh5678> Recap: Rollback: 3rd Will k, AleWi, FatHomer 2nd: Mythigator & Doh5678 1st: Phinbart [20:39] * Solar_Dragon sets mode: +v Mythigator [20:39] * Solar_Dragon sets mode: +o cjc [20:39] <@Cook879> np - we had like 5 users last week :P [20:40] <@cjc> hi [20:40] <@Cook879> not last week, last time [20:40] <+Doh5678> Newbie: 1st Nick97 [20:40] <@Solar_Dragon> Doh5678, these results need to be put on the wiki ;) [20:40] <+Doh5678> good point [20:40] <+Phinbart> chanserv, cjc, Cook879, Solar_Dragon, AleWi, Doh5678, FatHomer, Mythigator, Phinbart, Nick97, supergeeky1 and UnknownFork! [20:40] <@Cook879> has anyone logged the meeting? [20:40] <@Solar_Dragon> Nope :P [20:40] <+Phinbart> Everyone's been pinged. [20:41] <+Doh5678> Sh*t [20:41] <+Mythigator> With apologies to A.A. Milne, it would seem that Now We Are Six :-P [20:41] <@Solar_Dragon> Cook879, can you log, I'm sort of taking part in 2 conversations here :P [20:41] <@Cook879> ok [20:41] <UnknownFork> ShoutWikiGetting the blog to work on the new server appears to require rocket science, please be patient as we try to get it back up. [20:41] <@Solar_Dragon> Hmm... [20:41] <+Phinbart> Saw that update ages ago. [20:41] <+FatHomer> What's the next subject? [20:42] <@Solar_Dragon> The Competition results :P [20:42] <+Doh5678> 5 minute break! [20:42] <+Phinbart> Competition results. Shall we do it again? [20:42] <@Solar_Dragon> Yes, it's been a long time coming and I'm sorry about the delay in the results [20:42] <@Solar_Dragon> I've just gotten more of a social life over the last few weeks XD [20:42] <+Doh5678> 5 MINUTE BREAK [20:42] <@Solar_Dragon> And a gf too :P [20:42] <+Mythigator> "He is not one of us, he has a GIRLFRIEND!!" :-P [20:42] <@Solar_Dragon> XD [20:43] <+Mythigator> Congrats Solar Milo [20:43] <@Solar_Dragon> hey, she's also an Internet addict like me so that's fine :P [20:43] <@Solar_Dragon> I met her over the Interwebz after all :P [20:43] <+Mythigator> Does she use a lunchbox for a purse? :-P [20:43] <@Solar_Dragon> No XD [20:43] <+Mythigator> Ahh that's fine then :-) [20:44] <@Solar_Dragon> She's very much like me in many many ways so yeah :P [20:44] <+AleWi> Did you contemplated having children, it not would have severely drained your power crystals. [20:44] <@Solar_Dragon> Except she doesn't have a dick XD [20:44] <+Mythigator> LOL Ale