The Best of The Simpsons 41
The Best of The Simpsons #41,Is an Issue Of A range of Simpsons Comics Exclusive to The U.K.The Issue Was Released Halloween 2007,For The price of £2.99.This Issue Had Stories From The American Comic Book Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror #6 (2002).This Issue was A Treehouse of Horror Special.It was in The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Fun Filled Frightfest. It Had Four Stories....
- Hell-o-ween
- Metamorphsimpsons
- Young Frinkenstein
- From Duffs Till Dawn
Satan Possesses Rod And Todd Flanders,And Ned Flanders Goes Through A Portal To Hell (In Homers Basement) To Save Them.Then Ned Makes A Deal With Satan And He Covers For Him In Hell.Satan Ends Up Working In The Kwik-E-Mart.
The Whole Simpsons Family Ends Up As Bugs!
Young Frinkenstein
Bart dies in a car crash (while skateboarding) along with a reckless teenager. However, Prof. Frink picked up the bodies and put Bart's head on the teenager's body. Then a handsome teenage drifter comes knocking on Prof. Frink's door. He is then killed by Frink and he puts his brain inside the teenagers head!
From Duffs Til Dawn
So,you've come for a tale on this all hallows eve that'll fill you all up full of Dread?Well beware lads and lassies,you'll fear to believe what i say,cause you'll wish you were dead.it all started one night at Moe's corner pub,where the barflies and rummies convene,when prof.Frink came and drank a bottle of scotch from the scene.now the usual patrons took notice of this and let out a cheer of respect,but'ol Frink gave a glare a glare you would not expect.that's when barney,the lush,let erupt a burp from the depth of his gut,and then homer,he stood very quick cause he thought the sound came from his butt.Frink lept to his feet,pulling out from his coat,a strange gadget he'd made in his shop,Telling all who could hear,"There's a beast on the loose maybe you should call a cop!"It was right about then the barkeeper said he wouldn't condone silly tales.He felt ghoules were for kids and the talk of them might affect sales.Frink just switched on a device and said "Jinkies!its just what i feared!"Im detecting some things that are weird!"Don't come in here pointing and using big talk"said Moe.But Frink explained "there's a creature afoot that escaped from from my lab down the block!"Barney,Homer and Moe peered at Frink as if he was a fool,And then Homer let loose with a mind-numbing scream....at the end of the bar stood a ghoul.It was maybe a foot from head to toe,with some lizard like spikes going down his back,And a beak-like syringe-thing below its dark eyes that forebode an oncoming attack.Moe ducked under his bar,springing up with a gun he kept for times such as this,But the beast,much to quick,plunged its beak in Moe's neck,draining Moe with a bloodsucking kiss.Then chief Wiggum strolled in,only wanting to drink down a beer,When it made a jup for wiggums head and proceeded to puncture his ear.Old man Jasper was next followed soon by bumblebee guy,Then the sea captain dropped there were a few people left there to die.....
Homer.J.Simpson was still at the bar when the creature looked for more blood.It hunched over,then sprang at'ol Homers round head landing with a "thud."As the beast planned its meal not knowing it would be its last.Saw barney at the end of the last stool....flat on his back,his head under the tap The creature started to drool.he juped on poor barney to drunk to fight and sank its beak in Barney's stomach not knowing it was its last bite.As it sucked,the thing's face showed that something was wrong,and let out a burp from its beak.Barneys contents had made the beast drunk as a skunk,and soon,Down to the floor fell the freak."Chupacabras"said Frink"was what we called the beast,since it likes to drink blood from a goat."If there's one thing we've grown in the lab I fear,I assure you this gets my vote.Homer smiled,content that his life had been spared because once again,beer saved the day.
So sleep lightly,my lads,when you lay down for bed,and you might want to leave on a light......
...for who knows what else might escape from Frinks lab....and with that I must bid you goodnight....