User talk:Alastor Moody
Hi, I'd just like to say wlecome to the wiki. I definently use some help around here since the mods aren't around much and there are vandals everywhere. I'd just like to point out some thing: we don't copy stuff from Wikipedia. Ouyr episode templates are different from that of the ones of Wikipedia. Ours is this: Template:Episode. So, if you plan on making another episode page, make sure you use that template and not Wikiped's. Also, if you finish a guiude with that, add the episodes to this list: Episodes With Episode Templates. Other than that, you're clean! - Database 11:37, 21 October 2007 (UTC)
sorry I didnt reply, I was gon a while, but I am back, what was that you needed help with Basel17 02:56, 3 November 2007 (UTC)
Sure, let me just discuss it with another administrator and I'll get back to you Basel17 02:58, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
I discussed with the lead administrator and we decided it would be better if you contributed here longer before becoming an admin. Judging what you did in iPhone wiki this week, you made a couple of mistakes like protecting the home page without reason and deleting an image used in the help section. I think you need to learn a bit more about how the wiki works first. -Basel17 04:46, 4 November 2007 (UTC)