Mother Simpson/References
Cultural references
"Mother Simpson" draws upon a number of references to 1960s popular culture. Three songs from the 1960s appear in this episode: "Sunshine of Your Love" by Cream, "Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan and "All Along the Watchtower", by Jimi Hendrix. Mona Simpson is seen reading Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman. Mona mentions that she worked a number of jobs while on the run, including "marketing Jerry Rubin’s line of diet shakes, proofreading Bobby Seale’s cookbook, and running credit checks at Tom Hayden’s Porsche dealership." Rubin, Seale and Hayden were three liberal radicals from the 1960s and Rubin did indeed have a line of diet shakes, and Bobby Seale did write some cookbooks. However, Tom Hayden never owned a Porsche dealership.
The radicals use a Spiro Agnew alarm clock, which is based on a real item. When Mr. Burns drives a tank towards the Simpson house, he is wearing oversized headgear. This is a reference to a public relations stunt by Michael Dukakis in 1988. When Mr. Burns plays a tape of "Ride of the Valkyries", it has been recorded over by Smithers with "Waterloo" by ABBA, a reference to Smithers' suspected homosexuality (ABBA have a large gay following) and to the helicopter beach attack scene in Apocalypse Now, in which "Ride of the Valkyries" is famously played. Maggie is shown dancing in her diaper and covered in slogans and it is a parody of the filler scenes of Laugh-In in which Goldie Hawn and other female castmembers like Ruth Buzzi and Jo Anne Worley danced in a bikini with slogans and drawings painted on their bodies. The two FBI agents are Joe Friday and Bill Gannon from Dragnet. Bill Gannon is voiced by Harry Morgan, the man who played Gannon in the original series.
- While lying on the couch, Grandma is reading Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman.
- The old hippie who interrupts Homer and Mona's goodbye by yelling "This electric man has only got 20 more minutes of power!" was seen in the 1960s flashback as the one who was commanding the sabotage on Mr. Burns' biological warfare labratory.
- When Mona accidentally bangs her head on the hood of the van and yells "D'oh!", the voice sample was not performed by Glenn Close but it was a clip from a temp track done by Pamela Hayden. The reason for the change was due to the fact Glenn Close could not yell "D'oh!" in a proper manner.