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"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife" is the fifteenth episode of season 17. The live-action opening sequence was directed by Chris Palmer. It originally aired on March 26, 2006. It was written by Ricky Gervais, who also guest-starred in the episode, and directed by Matthew Nastuk.
Homer's obsession with Lenny's new plasma TV prompts Marge to enter the family in a sweepstakes, and they win a trip to the Fox Studio Lot. Against Marge's wishes, Homer signs them up for a "Trading Spouses"-type show and is forced to take in a controlling wife, while Marge moves in with a beaten-down husband, Charles, and his perfect son. Charles quickly develops a crush on Marge, while she tries to give him the strength to stand up to his own wife.
Lenny invites practically everyone in town to a party at his flat, where he tells them that he has a big surprise. He reveals that he bought a brand new plasma screen TV, and Homer immediately falls in love with its high-definition picture..
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