Alice Glick
Mrs. Glick, originally voiced by Cloris Leachman and later by Tress MacNeille, is an elderly shut-in for whom Bart did chores in "Three Men and a Comic Book"; he didn't get paid very well, and soon grew to loathe her. She had a brother named Asa, mentioned in the same episode, who died during World War I; he was killed by his own grenade, which he held for too long.
Following her debut, Mrs. Glick became a recurring minor character, often seen at the hospital or the Springfield Retirement Castle. In addition to minor speaking roles, she also lingers in the background of various episodes, often laughing toothlessly. Groundskeeper Willie once even made a remark about it, quoting "How come yer always around?!", frightening Mrs. Glick.
Doctor Hibbert confessed to once leaving his car keys inside her in "Bart's Girlfriend". She also owns a candy dish that she boldly declares can only be used for storing candy, as seen in "Two Bad Neighbors". In "Little Big Girl," Mrs. Glick takes the heart donor ticket off her I.D., along with many other people around her.